Happy Marry Christmas (Happy Special Day)

芽吹く 命のささやき


真っ白な テーブル 囲んで





待ちわびた ときめく胸

夜更かしはだめよとMy Santacloth


Thank you for being born

You're the reason I'm here now


今(いま)あなたの隣で 今年も笑っていられること

Happy Merry christmas  Happy Merry christmas 


赤く染る 涙の誓い 

祈るように 微笑む君の  

今にも泣きそうな その顔に

そっと手を頬に添えて ほら笑って

病める時も 健やかなる時も...


Thank you for being born

You're the reason I'm here now

May all people feel the warmth of one's own heart

you&me! I'm Standing next to you now, 

and I'm smiling again this year.

Happy Merry christmas Happy Merry christmas 


Thank you for being born

You're the reason 

I'm here now I'm here now

Happy Merry christmas